Tuesday, May 13, 2014

All wrong

Once upon a time there was someone who faced the religious establishment and said "You have this all wrong."
He looked at the system of "chosen ones" and he said "God does not work like this at all."
He said, "You think God is for you only, not so. God is with all."
He knew the text better than anyone of his day. They tested him. His answers were plain and simple.
He tested them.
He challenged them.
He set an example for them.
They could not contain him. And so they tried to kill him.
And now they use his name to create a system of "chosen ones."
Now they use his name to say God is just for some.
They created a text to maintain man's way. They ignore him. They change his answers that were so plain and simple.
They could not contain him. And so they tried to kill him.
They have this all wrong.
A spirit cannot be killed.
Iam cannot be contained.
Iam cannot be killed.

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