Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Where will it end?

All around us, there are truly remarkable stories about people who care. There is much love in this world. In hours of darkness, we need to hear their stories and lift those values of compassion, dedication to humanity, and service. These stories are not fewer but the ugliness has grown larger.
What have we become as a nation?
Instead of being a nation of innovation and moral leaders, we are becoming a nation of defenders - warriors.
In the 70's a deranged person tainted a bottle of medicine. As a result, every container we buy with consumable product is now double sealed.
Shoplifters steal millions of dollars worth of items and now we have product packaging that requires heavy duty scissors to open.
Deranged people used airplanes to kill masses and now flying requires body scans, luggage scans, shoe removal and long lines at check points.
We've suffered through dozens of mass shootings in multiple settings. Now, public buildings, schools, and hospitals have guards and scanners. Worst, is a call for armed guards in places of worship.
The nation once viewed as the world example of compassion and welcome for immigrants - exemplified by the image and words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty - has a leader calling for building a giant wall and who continually attacks immigration.
What have we become?
Where will it end?
We cannot get angry enough to overcome the forces of evil.
We cannot build big enough walls or fortresses or weapons to overcome it.
We cannot react as defenders to change it.
We have to stop magnifying dangers to a point of ridiculousness.
We have to start thinking differently, speaking differently and acting differently.
The answer is to think bigger, talk softer and determine to understand deeper. What we need to build are broader relationships not bigger defenses. We need to be better problem solvers not bigger, louder bullies.

Friday, October 12, 2018

I don't get it?????? Please explain.

If you heard your neighbor bragging about groping women, you knew he paid off women with whom he had an affair to keep them quiet, and you knew he cheated on 4 previous wives, would you take your children next door? Would you hold your neighbor up as an exemplary example of behavior for your daughters and sons? Really? Would you?
Would it matter how much money he claimed to have in his bank account?
Is that the measure of esteem for you? Really?
If your neighbor was known to lie thousands of times, would you choose to believe his words? Really?
If you knew your neighbor was aiding and admiring local bullies who harassed, tortured and even killed those with dissenting views, would you endorse them? Really?
Are your ethics tied to your personal pocketbook and ego? Really?
Do you think the line of subjection will not touch you? Really?
If that is really what you believe, please explain it to me in terms that make some sort of sense. It makes no sense to me at all.
I see folks proud to be introducing children to this frame of ethics. It makes no sense. If the words of this one were in the mouth of anyone labeled in the other party, there would be great outrage and rightly so. But somehow this "brand" is accepted and I don't get it.
I've even seen that "God" ordained all this madness. Really? Explain this God to me.
I see love of subjugation, exploitation, greed and a level of dishonesty/corruption that rivals no previous administration.  I see absolutely nothing resembling any teaching of Jesus - NONE. No humility, no truth, no compassion, Nothing!
The money changers are enabled and protected. Those throwing stones at the under protected are rewarded and applauded. Those challenging the powerful are stifled and/or silenced. The "least of these" are dismissed. Those seeking asylum are driven away. I see absolutely nothing resembling any teaching of Jesus - NONE. No humility, no truth, no compassion, Nothing!
i don't get it. If you believe you can, please explain it. It cannot be simply that you believe it would be so much worse if, if, if. I need to hear what you believe is actually working to anyone's benefit. Surely, you believe something more than THIS and must think THIS will SOMEHOW lead to that SOMETHING better. Please. Please. Please. Explain how this will happen.

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Path of Democracy

The greatest threat to our democracy is the loss of balance of power between the three branches of government; executive, legislative and judicial. The three must work independently to ensure that the democratic process remains intact, to ensure that the minority and less fortunate are protected, and to ensure that the greed of the powerful remains in check.
We're watching a giant shift tilting toward the executive branch with the legislative and judicial branches aligning with a primary focus of protecting the executive no matter what the action or activity may be. Ethics, protocol, standards of practice, decorum, transparency and issue focused debate are sorely lacking and falling by the wayside.
The erosion of this balance of power has not happened overnight. And it's actually not the first time in our nation's history that power and greed dominated the legislative branch of government. Following the civil war and into the early 1900's senators openly claimed affiliation with the powerful industries that bought their votes. Newspapers of the day were full of stories about scandals and, as is true today, relentlessly reported on political misconduct. It was statesmanship that helped shift the balance.
What seems different this time is the depth of influence in both the legislative and the judicial branch. It's reported that our legislators must spend as much as 30 hours a week "dialing for dollars". An enormous amount of money is required to gain and retain office. Where there are large sums of money involved, a system is rife with corruption and potential corruption.
Now many of our prisons are privately owned. An entire industry has been built around incarcerating people. That drives a need to support the "business" of incarceration. We've seen an unbalanced increase in the number and types of people being jailed. A 15 year old poor kid from a particular neighborhood who steals a lawn mower, will likely serve more time than the top executive who embezzles tens of thousands of dollars.
As all three branches of government align to protect the rich and powerful, the power of people's voices will continue to diminish. It's disturbing that millions of people are willing to overlook and excuse corruption, rudeness, hostility, and crude behavior because they believe that person will do good things for them. However, they would never accept these from someone coming from another population.
If democracy is to survive, we need to ensure that the three branches are co-equal and serve largely independent of one of another. Loyalty must be to the country and the democratic process not to a person or party. This requires open and issue based discussion. It requires input from all corners with protections for the least powerful. It requires long term focus and educated decision making. It requires thoughtfulness and reserving judgement until all voices are heard.
Read. Study history. Learn what has happened before that relates to the issue at hand. Check your personal bias that may lead you to overlook details. Focus on the long term good for the country as a whole. Seek a path of clarity, integrity and honor.