Friday, October 12, 2018

I don't get it?????? Please explain.

If you heard your neighbor bragging about groping women, you knew he paid off women with whom he had an affair to keep them quiet, and you knew he cheated on 4 previous wives, would you take your children next door? Would you hold your neighbor up as an exemplary example of behavior for your daughters and sons? Really? Would you?
Would it matter how much money he claimed to have in his bank account?
Is that the measure of esteem for you? Really?
If your neighbor was known to lie thousands of times, would you choose to believe his words? Really?
If you knew your neighbor was aiding and admiring local bullies who harassed, tortured and even killed those with dissenting views, would you endorse them? Really?
Are your ethics tied to your personal pocketbook and ego? Really?
Do you think the line of subjection will not touch you? Really?
If that is really what you believe, please explain it to me in terms that make some sort of sense. It makes no sense to me at all.
I see folks proud to be introducing children to this frame of ethics. It makes no sense. If the words of this one were in the mouth of anyone labeled in the other party, there would be great outrage and rightly so. But somehow this "brand" is accepted and I don't get it.
I've even seen that "God" ordained all this madness. Really? Explain this God to me.
I see love of subjugation, exploitation, greed and a level of dishonesty/corruption that rivals no previous administration.  I see absolutely nothing resembling any teaching of Jesus - NONE. No humility, no truth, no compassion, Nothing!
The money changers are enabled and protected. Those throwing stones at the under protected are rewarded and applauded. Those challenging the powerful are stifled and/or silenced. The "least of these" are dismissed. Those seeking asylum are driven away. I see absolutely nothing resembling any teaching of Jesus - NONE. No humility, no truth, no compassion, Nothing!
i don't get it. If you believe you can, please explain it. It cannot be simply that you believe it would be so much worse if, if, if. I need to hear what you believe is actually working to anyone's benefit. Surely, you believe something more than THIS and must think THIS will SOMEHOW lead to that SOMETHING better. Please. Please. Please. Explain how this will happen.

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