Thursday, October 26, 2017

Health Care Learning curve

Healthcare issues are going to soon be lighting up the airwaves and social media as a new year begins with many Americans in search of new providers. Already I'm seeing social media posts from friends lamenting that their insurance is being phased out and they are discovering options that are much more expensive while covering less. For many, this is going to become a growing crisis. As those numbers grow, it's going to become a national crisis straining the system beyond sustainability.
As fewer people can afford healthcare insurance, and don't qualify for any assistance, hospitals will become more stressed dealing with critical health issues that could have been prevented. More smaller hospitals that cannot absorb those costs will be forced to close. Meanwhile, the cost to those who are insured will rise faster.
Doctors will face similar issues as many of their patients loose insurance. Some patients will wind up in their office with acute medical conditions that could have be prevented or treated early and at much lower cost. If these patients cannot pay, many doctors will be forced to turn them away as they cannot afford to absorb the costs.
Those without insurance will be forced to make difficult decisions about medications. Many will stop taking medications (good or bad) that they would have been taking. Those needing life sustaining medications such as insulin or heart medicines will first try stretching their meds, then land in the hospital (that they cannot pay for) or sadly simply die because they cannot buy what they need. Pharmaceutical companies will continue to raise their prices to ensure that they have rising profits for their shareholders.
Insurance companies will continue to raise costs to cover all of these and to ensure their stockholders make greater profits. There is no part of they system where costs are going to be lower.
Meanwhile, our society has so tied capitalism and profit to being American that they cannot see how it is literally killing us in the healthcare system and creating financial strain on a large portion of our population.
If we want to solve the healthcare problem in this country, we have to eliminate costs in the system. There is no other solution. That means that the bulk of the healthcare dollars needs to go directly to healthcare providers who are the major decision makers in the new system. Profiteering has to be removed from the system.
Oddly, that is a system that looks like every other major industrialized country in the world. "When will we ever learn?"

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