We throw a lot of labels around. Take something and through the right label on it and BOOM - it's viewed as worth something OR worth nothing. Labels go on the surface. They are intended to be easily seen and quick identifiers of something. But the label is worth nothing if there is no substance - no context - behind it. A good label becomes devalued when the substance - the context - behind it is devalued. The label is representative of a standard. When that standard washes away, the label looses value.
In business, we know that one bad review requires more than 10 to overcome the negative. We have little margin of error. Perceptions matter and they are driven by the experiences of those who deal with us. If it's the first time person deals with us and they have a bad experience, they may never come back. If we have dealt with the a dozen times and one time something goes wrong, they may give us a chance. They may no label us badly.
Also in business, we know we need to be very careful about our associations and collaborators. They need to align with our values. They need to treat people the way we would treat people. They represent our label and we will be labeled with them - right or wrong.
The label "Christian" is pretty important if you believe in salvation and afterlife attachments. It means "Christ like" - to be like Jesus. It means that we do the things that Jesus would do. That's a very high standard. We should be very careful about putting a Christian label on something. It's a very high standard. What does that label stand for? What did Jesus stand for? If it doesn't meet the standard, it doesn't get the label.
There's been a lot of turning that label inside out and upside down to try to make the label work. Doctrine can get in the way of what is right. Re-read the story of the Good Samaritan. Jewish doctrine prevented helping the man. What did Jesus say?
Find a Bible with all that Jesus said in red. Read just the red text.
Compare the things said by current leaders to what Jesus said. Compare your own thoughts and opinions to what Jesus said. Who is your teacher? Who is leading you?
Is upside down and inside out? Look for the spiritual answer.
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