Wednesday, April 10, 2019

30 Trillion dollars for Medicare for all! Oh My!!!

There's been a lot of talk about health care. So, I did a little research. has a lot of statistics that line up with the site summary below. The Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker site does a nice job of laying it out in one paragraph.

"Health spending totaled $74.6 billion in 1970.  By 2000, health expenditures had reached about $1.4 trillion, and in 2017 the amount spent on health had more than doubled to $3.5 trillion. Total health expenditures represent the amount spent on healthcare and health-related activities (such as administration of insurance, health research, and public health), including expenditures from both public and private funds." (

We're seeing an annual increase of about 6% since 2000. At this rate, we can expect health care expenditures could be more than 7.5 Trillion by 2030.  (I did a little math. If you want me to send my spreadsheet, message me.)

There are a number of variations of a medicare for all program being proposed. Bernie Sanders has arguably offered the most detail in his vision. Critics are pointing to the enormity of the cost - over 30 Trillion dollars in the first decade.
Let's look at our costs now. From 2000 - 2009, the cost was 16 Trillion. Our current decade is coming in at about 31 Trillion. If nothing changes to stop the 6% annual increase of health care expenditures, the next decade will cost almost 60 Trillion!!! It looks to me like that is a savings of about 30 Trillion dollars.
It makes sense that we would save a ton of money with a single payer system. The administrative costs are significantly reduced. It has to be an enormous task for one doctor's office to keep track of every insurance company's requirements. Add in the profiteering of insurance companies and high paid executive salaries and there is a lot of money taken out of the system. No doubt those insurance companies are going to be kicking and screaming.
We're talking about the possibility of having healthcare for ALL at half the cost of what it was going to be for some. Meanwhile, we are addressing the human tole many suffer with the current system. I'm listening. You should be too.

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