Monday, February 1, 2021

I love DEEP but there is TOO DEEP for me.

Much is possible outside of "conventional wisdom". Just because we believe something IS doesn't mean it really is. I believe in the unknown. There really may be intelligent life out there. We may have been visited by aliens. There may be aliens living among us. It is possible. Maybe it is even probable. But until is is provable, it's just possible and probable. It's fun for me to think about and consider, but I won't stake my life on it. It's just possible and probable. I love imagining and will share those with you.

So, when you ask me to believe the election was stolen, I can visit the possible. Maybe. But if you want me to stake my life on it, it needs to be provable. Zero, out of 60 - SIXTY - cases were successful. NONE - NOT ONE - moved into court. Filing with the courts - state, federal and even the Supreme Court - took it to possible but NONE moving forward removed the probable for me. THERE WAS NO THERE, There. I'm not staking my life on it. And I'd be stupid to stake my reputation on it. I could play with maybe there is so huge deep, deep state. And it is a huge deep state.

That deep state includes regular people who are poll watchers and vote counters. It includes both democrats and republicans who are either ignorant or compliant. It includes republican and democrat election officials at county, state and federal levels. It includes democrat and republican judges at all levels. It's DEEP, Deep, deep. It even includes postal workers across the country. It's DEEP, Deep, deep.

So then, if I am to believe that this DEEP, Deep, deep thing happened, I am further to believe that insurrection is the answer. If I want to preserve democracy, I am supposed to believe that overturning an election is the way to do it. I need to take over the Congress and install "my guy" because I could not prove to the courts that he won. I could not convince his own vice president to lead an insurrection, so I need to do it.

That's DEEP. That's really Deep. That's deeper than I can go and I like to explore the possible - even the probable. This is not probable to me. I'm not diving with you.

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