Saturday, October 30, 2021

My Cuddle Bug

Through the years I've loved many fur paws and held them as they passed over that rainbow. There were rescued mutts, german shepherds, rottweiler mix, a tiny poodle mix, and now a sheltie and golden retriever. The cats were mostly grey ones except my Simba - a yellow boy with a golden heart. Today it's Tommy, another grey kitty.

As a youngster, I wanted a german shepherd in the worst kind of way. I think it was Rin Tin Tin from the famous TV show that captured me. Someone got me a big overstuffed german shepherd pillow that I cuddled with and dreamed of my first dog. Soon I was gifted a big german shepherd I called Laddy. But it was short lived. My dad said he got loose and ran away. Years later I learned he had killed all the neighbors chickens and could not stay.

There were so many sweet friends who deserve their own stories but I never had a bigger cuddle bug than this Golden Angel. She fills my days with humor and is a great companion. Sure glad she came into my life.

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