Sunday, November 20, 2011


Salvation is a path, not a one time event. It is a path of enlightenment. It is a transformation of our soul to focus on goodness, truth and beauty. It is not an external happening. The responsibility is ours and it is an on going process.
During the course of our lives we develop corrupt habits following those around us. We learn to blame our situations on others and lack understanding of the connectedness of all things, including how our own actions cause calamity in our lives. Focusing on these negative things around us - allowing negative people in our lives - screws our focus away from goodness, truth and beauty. We attract more of the things we focus on - the things we think about - the things we do - both good and bad.
Salvation is the focus on goodness, truth and beauty. It the practice of goodness, truth and beauty in our lives - A practice of service, honesty and revelation of creation.
Most religions and spiritual practices have these elements as part of their teaching. However, many splinter off into additional conditions of faithfulness. And so we war with one another. We separate each other and fear each other. If only all of humankind would accept this path of salvation - humankind would truly be saved.

1 comment:

  1. So true salvation is not a onetime event, it is a transformation of our soul to focus on all of the things you mentioned in your blog and to be a better person. You are correct, the responsibility is ours and it is an ongoing process. Believing in him, studying his word and trying to be the best person we can possibly be ensures that we are walking a path of salvation each and every day.
