Wednesday, August 7, 2019


If you are a gun owner and second amendment advocate, you should be most motivated to put an end to gun violence. The increasing gun violence, mass shootings and the resulting fear throughout the country is, indeed, a threat to your freedom to own whatever gun you want. Gun violence is an insult to those who are lawful and own guns.
The majority of gun owners are not going out and killing people. There are 120 guns per 100 people in this country. ( If we put it in perspective, the vast majority of gun owners are NOT committing gun violence.
Our problem is that those who are, are doing it in a big way.
It's similar to the effect of a plane crash. Millions of safe flights happen every day. One crash killing a large number of people creates high anxiety about flying. A series of similar accidents causes panic. Two involving the same plane or airline WILL get action. The manufacturer and the airline understand the problem. They waste no time getting to the root of the problem and preventing it from happening again.
Gun owners! This mass shooting problem is coming to roost where you live. While I don't own a gun now, there was a day I needed/wanted a few. I don't want my rights infringed on because of a few very deranged people who should never have access to any weapon. That needs to be our focus! What is motivating them to want to kill people? Fix that. How are they getting access to weapons of mass destruction that they are not mentally capable of possessing? Fix that.
We cannot just say "the problem is not guns, it's blah, blah blah" and do nothing.
If we want to protect our second amendment rights, we had better get this right. I am certain that no one on either side of this debate is OK with mass shootings. So, it's time to get seriously focused on resolving this issue. "DO SOMETHING!"


  1. I grew up in Venango Co. in an NRA home. My father competed in a local NRA rifle league and hunted. The problem I see is that these mass shootings are garnering a tremendous amount of publicity yet are very very rare in the total # of firearm fatalities. The worst statistic is that of suicide at roughly 60%! Most of those are white males;there is the problem of improperly stored firearms that stolen and are used in other crimes or accidentally injure/kill people.

    Instead of squaring off into

  2. 🤔..... bitterly opposed camps, it would be great to see everyone working to solve this together. We do have a serious problem.

  3. I grew up in Venango Co. in an NRA home. My father competed in a local NRA rifle league and hunted. The problem I see is that these mass shootings are garnering a tremendous amount of publicity yet are very very rare in the total # of firearm fatalities. The worst statistic is that of suicide at roughly 60%! Most of those are white males;there is the problem of improperly stored firearms that stolen and are used in other crimes or accidentally injure/kill people.

    Instead of squaring off into
