This nation's history of slavery and lynchings has always troubled me. Our treatment of Native American people has troubled me. Our internment of Japanese Americans during WWII troubles me. The Holocaust troubles me. Our current treatment of asylum seekers and those wishing to immigrate to this country troubles me.
How is it so easy to convince a large number of people that dehumanization is acceptable - even desirable? It troubles me.
Our national soul is in trouble.
Only truth and compassion can fix it. We cannot fight dehumanization with dehumanization.
Truth will prevail.
Oddly, at this point many spit in the eye of truth. As I watched reactions to the Mueller investigation and hearing, it was troubling. First, few have even read parts of the report. Then, as facts are revealed, they cover their ears. "He looked like he has dementia." "He's just a figure head for the democrats." No amount of facts or substance of the investigation reached them. Their interest was not in gaining truth but in finding ways to dismiss truth.
This has been carefully cultivated. Investigative reporting is "fake news". Our judicial system is all part of the "deep state". Scientists cannot be trusted. Our allies cannot be trusted. You must be loyal to one source of information.
With all of these filters carefully in place, truth is lost. Breaking through these filters is extremely difficult. Attempts will likely invoke anger and greater resentment.
So what do we do? Have compassion. "They know not what they do."
Read, watch and listen. Seek as many sources of information as you can. Remain fact based. Be aware of what these followers are reading, watching and listening to that is creating the filters.
Then keep speaking truth clearly and softly. Don't be lead into dehumanization. Be careful in your deliberations. Exemplify what you know is right.
In our every day life, we can create a better example. Be a little kinder to those in our community who may be feeling anxious about the state of our union. Be a little kinder to those who may be part of the cause.
Be fearless. This one is the toughest for me. I know, I can be labeled in such a way that these followers will feel justified in dehumanizing me. And once dehumanized, there lies great risk.
"Democrat" and "liberal" have been spit at me as verbal daggers and I'm certain other slurs lie just below the surface.
Faith carries me. Faith that love and truth always prevail. Faith that the lost can be saved. Faith that if this world is lost, the next will be a welcome home.
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