If this was a Christian nation, we would be focused on doing the things Jesus taught us to do. We would want our government - our tax dollars - to help the poor, the sick and the elderly. We would want our government to welcome the stranger.
If this was a Christian nation, there would be an expectation that those who are extremely wealthy would contribute much to the types of things Jesus taught us to do. Recall the rich man that asked Jesus how to get to heaven. Did Jesus tell him to keep collecting as much money as he could?
If this was a Christian nation, we would be focused on the well being of all children. We would be working to ensure that every single one of them was safe, fed, and loved. We would know that serving those needs was serving Jesus.
If this was a Christian nation, we would set the highest standards within our land to eliminate corruption and abuse. Unscrupulous money changers would be confronted. Those who might be tempted to follow that path would be invited to the table to learn a better way.
If we were a Christian nation, we would practice compassion, respect and humility in everything we do. We would be fearless and steadfast in our mission to end suffering. We would "stand on the rock where Jesus stood".
Instead, there is hostility toward all these and often most vehemently from those who insist this is a "Christian Nation". It's no wonder the numbers of those associated with Christian churches is dwindling. Too often the Christian label bears no resemblance to the teachings and practices of Jesus. It's being lost in a selfish, twisted, tribalistic separation from the one whose very name is carried.
If this is what a Christian nation looks like, Jesus is weeping.
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