Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A Joke?

Many of this president's "jokes" go over my head. I simply don't get the joke. It's kind of like your uncle telling an off color joke he thinks is very funny. It sounds more like something a bit frightening that he really believes. It's not funny.
Obviously, testing more for Covid-19 will result in more positive numbers. If he wanted to tell that "joke", he could have followed up with something representing leadership in solving a nation wide problem. His attempts at treating this virus like it isn't really a big deal are not working. It didn't just go away in April.
The number of deaths from this virus are still rising. In just three and a half months, those numbers have far surpassed any recent flu epidemic. At this rate, we will be close to 500,000 in one year. And, yes, the media is reporting about it. This is the story of the century. Pretending it's not big is irresponsible.
The virus is not this president's fault. This would have come to our doorsteps with any president. The mixed messages about this virus, and the administration's response to it, are his fault. The human cost in terms of lives and economic impact are not a joking matter. The lack of a nationwide strategy and consistent messaging are making this situation worse.
He could have sounded less irrational if he would have said "All joking aside, this didn't go away in April like I and others believed it would..." Then he should have followed with some indication of a leadership role in coordinating an effort to get things under control. He should have offered some form of leadership in a call to action for all of us.
Instead, his staff have been scrambling to try to explain his "joke" while he's not indicating that he actually meant it as a joke. Most of us see it as more pathetic than funny.
It's impossible now to sell the notion that the media is over reporting this. Many of us know people who have tested positive. We know people who have family members who have died from this. We know people who are serving on the front line and have been overwhelmed for months as they care for sick and dying people.
Meanwhile, many of us are experiencing the economic impact. People are concerned and not spending money because they don't have money to spend or because they fear un-necessary exposure. Consumer confidence is what drives an economy. Consumers are not confident right now. The economy won't recover until they are.
Less testing doesn't sound like a joke. It sounds like a dangerous way to approach a problem. Washington, we have a problem.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Door number 1, Number 2, Number 3 or FAITH?

For many years, I have known that people in my orbit fall into three categories:
1) Those who would quickly turn in my name name if there was a reward.
2) Those who would quickly turn their heads and pretend they did not see.
3) Those who would stand and defend me.
It has been a deep part of my understanding of life for more years than I wish to admit. That reality of understanding includes family and those who sometimes call me "friend". Many of them have helped me along the way. Many have shared in successes. Some have been uncommonly kind. But I know in my soul who falls in 1, 2 or 3. A few waiver between them. A few are conditional.
What is more important to me is where do I stand? As I look at those in 1 or 2, what would I do? What is my spiritual path? I will answer for myself. I will be judged by my choices. How can my actions now best serve spirit?
Understanding my needs and my understanding of the universe is one thing. Trusting the universal truth is quite another.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

How liberal is your Second Amendment Perspective?

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The most liberal interpretation of this amendment totally ignores the "well regulated Militia" clause. The vast majority of gun owners in this country are not part of anything that is well regulated and not are part of any form of militia. We have allowed anyone who wants one to buy a military grade weapon and parade around with it openly. The liberal interpretation is focused on "shall not be infringed".
Oddly, conservatives have embraced this liberal perspective. 
My conservative perspective is that we need to look very carefully at the "well regulated Militia" part of this amendment. The right of the people needs to be balanced in a more conservative interpretation. It's a matter of logic and common sense.
We cannot have everyone carrying guns and feel assured that everyone is capable of handling the responsibility. We need some common sense measures. That's the reason for the "well regulated Militia" clause. Certainly, there was expectation of some form of common sense regulation. 
Do you really want EVERY US citizen to have the right? Imagine situations where those "others" could have shown up with AR-15's. Would you argue that their rights should "not be infinged"? Really?
What if "they" take over your state capital with AR-15's? What if "they" march with AR-15's in front of the White House? Would you argue that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"? Would you?
We need some common sense measures. That's the reason for the "well regulated Militia" clause. Certainly, there was expectation of some form of common sense regulation. 
How liberal is your perspective on the Second Amendment?
Mine is on the conservative side.

The AR-15 Guys

Saturday at Franklin's BLM march, there were a handful of dudes with AR15's who were "guarding the monuments". They followed the crowd as they marched down Liberty Street in another show of "guarding" or something.
Beyond showing off their big guns and looking intimidating, what was their plan if some perceived trouble broke out? Why would you parade machine guns unless you actually thought there was some danger, right? Were they really prepared to kill people? How do you control an automatic weapon so it just hits the intended target? What if they had to shoot toward the very monuments they were supposedly guarding? What if they started shooting "looters" in front of storefronts? Those stores were open with people inside. Did they actually have any plan besides looking intimidating?
What does this say about their respect and confidence in our Police Department? They didn't think our police could protect the safety of people and property? It seems to me they posed another risk for and to the police. At the end of the day, the AR-15 guys just looked foolish.
Afterward they likely gathered somewhere to crack a brew and pat themselves on the back for saving the city. Maybe they shared stories about some exciting confrontation. They may be emboldened to plan some other event in which they can parade around again and show off their big guns.
Guns and emotions don't mix well. Their presence creates tension. Their intensions are questionable and they are unlikely to have training to handle the situations they may create or believe they need to address.
Certainly someone reading this will say "they have a right"... To me, they pose a danger. I question the mental and emotional stability of civilians needing to parade around in a crowd with an AR-15. They either suffer from great anxiety and fear OR they have some sense of bravado and hero desire. They are carrying a dangerous weapon in a situation they are not equipped to handle.
Arguing that someone has a right to openly carry a weapon makes as much sense to me as saying someone has the right to openly carry around a bomb. We're going to see more of these AR-15 guys around the county and it's not going to end well.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

March in Joyful Unity

Today - right here in Franklin - there was a Black Lives Matter mark that was well attending. It was PEACEFUL and a call to stop the violence and intrusion that has been directed at blacks and many others of color.
On the fringes were men with AR15's. To me, weapons are not a call for peace. I recognize that they have a right in this country to display such things. They believed they were protecting something. It seems they are afraid and feel a need to walk around with weapons to feel less afraid.
I also have great respect and confidence in our Police force here. That's why I no longer have a weapon in my home as I did when I lived in the country. Why the fear?
Those who march for BLM here believe in peace, justice for all and a nation of unity behind the the aspiration of Equality for All. I have no fear in joining them. I am overjoyed that this community is demonstrating that belief!
Those who are fearful enough to carry automatic weapons, cannot steal the Joy I feel. We need to march right past them in peace. We need to march right past them to create a better world. We need to focus on what we are marching FOR. March past resistance and keep marching. March in JOYFUL unity.

Friday, June 5, 2020

We Need a National Service Program!

We could solve a lot of problems with a National Service program. Every 18 year old who is not severely disabled would be required to serve the country for a minimum of 4 years. It could be Americore, Peace Corps or Military but they must serve.
All the benefits of Military Service would apply to Americore or Peace Corps. Eduction benefits, health care benefits, loan programs, and a lifetime a gratitude for National Service. It would take young people to places they could not imagine and help them understand cultural differences. They would receive job training and work experience while learning to work beside people from across the country - many who don't look like them. They could choose to serve for 20 years and earn a retirement as they work up the "ranks", serving as supervisors and managers.
The benefits to the nation would be dynamic, depending on the objectives of the National Service Program. Anyone who has served in the military can attest to how service opened their eyes and had a dramatic impact on their entire lives. Even those who bare scars (physical and emotional) from war time service, can recount the impact of working side by side with people who grew up differently than we did. For me, it helped to grow an appreciation for diversity. I remember being introduced to okra and black eyed peas by true southerners and the impact of being the only white person in the house. I remember how it felt to be the only person in the room that couldn't speak the language. I was in kind and welcoming situations but I was the "different" one. That was new to me.
Beyond my own experiences, I met people who shared their experiences. I heard the first hand account of a former POW who suffered 8 years in Vietnam. I spent many hours with a co-worker who shared stories about what it was like to be an American woman serving in Turkey. I served with Mexican/Americans from the West Coast. I rode horses with friends from the mid-west. I heard about growing up in Queens, NY. I heard about life in the Philippines.
Americore programs could have a huge impact on our country. These people would serve within the United States. I would urge that these young people be dispersed to areas far from home. Insure that rural youth are assigned for at least a year in an urban setting and visa versa. Send them to work on infrastructure projects, at National or State Parks, in non-profit agencies and in municipal roles. It would provide much needed resources.
Peace Corps service would take young people around the world. They would serve in international roles helping with projects in countries where help is needed. These are not political projects. They are real world, working with community, and helping with needs in impoverished areas. It would do much to boost the image of the United States around the world and those young people would return with international understanding.
National Service would bridge many societal gaps. I left the military and finished my degree without taking on debt to do it. While serving, I took advantage of the Montgomery Bill and contributed to my education fund with a dollar for dollar match. I never needed any of the other benefits until recently using the VA medical. I am thankful for all that those few services gave me - far more benefit than I put in. We need a generation or two of people who share that same sense of gratitude. I believe a National Service Program would do that!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Be Embarrassed but be Patient

Reading and watching a wide variety of news sources is very important. Trusting just one is foolish. Including international news sources provides even greater insight. NEVER trust one that says they are the ONLY one reporting truth. I won't watch Fox News for that reason. They truly represent fake news. It's embarrassing.
But I have found a way to follow what's reported on Fox News. Just watch the Facebook pages of people who do. It's easy to figure out who those people are. They deny the reporting of every other major news source; national and international. They constantly post things like, "if you're upset about apples, why aren't you talking about oranges." And they will rabidly attack when questioned or if their misinformation is pointed out. It's embarrassing.
The effect on this nation has been disturbing. It's about relationships. Fox News has served as the voice of this president, echoing whatever lie or conspiracy theory he wants to spread and creating division in its wake. The only way lies work is if the recipient is convinced to listen to only one source for information. Ironically, many of these viewers will say "You can't believe any of them." But they are believing someone who is telling them that, over and over again. It's embarrassing.
Fortunately, our country is better than this. We have aspired to higher principles and voices are raising up from all corners of society to say "Enough is Enough!" We can love apples AND love oranges. We can include all voices and listen to a variety of voices. We can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears. When what we see and what we hear do not match with a narrative, we can say so. Voices are rising up, all over the world.
It's important to know what the Fox News narrative is but truth will always prevail. Be embarrassed but be patient. Seek truth and walk softly. Truth has a long reach.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

I take a Knee!

Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem in peaceful protest of the injustices and systemic problems he saw. He, and those who joined him, suffered repercussions and were accused of disrespecting the flag and insulting veterans. Their message was shouted down. They were ignored and overwhelmed. They needed to be controlled.
Black Lives Matters protested peacefully across the nation. They were shouted down with "All Lives Matter", and their message was ignored. They needed to be controlled.
Now focus of some is centered on the wrongdoing of looters and those who are violent. There is a slight hint of recognition that the police responsible for killing George Floyd were wrong, but again, the message of protesters is being ignored. They need to be controlled.
Tracy Chapman once said, "There’s only so far you can push people before they start to push back,..." Those resorting to looting and violence are shoving back.
I abhor violence and cannot condone looting and stealing. But what is it going to take to get this nation to listen and actually work on systemic changes? What is it going to take? When are we going to stop shouting down those who try to peacefully protest?
This president had peaceful protesters violently remove from where he wanted to walk for a photo op. This president called for liberation of a state where heavily armed white men took over a capital building. There was no call to control those people.
How would he react if heavily armed black men took over a state capital building? Would there be a call for liberation? Would there be an outcry for 2nd amendment rights? Likely NOT!
What is most frustrating to me is that we have so failed as a nation to solve systemic problem and now those on the front line are overwhelmed in addressing the fallout. We have failed our good police officers. They are confronting the fallout of the failure of our mental health system. They are confronting the fallout of the failure of our economic system. They are confronting the fallout from the failure of our education system. They are overwhelmed.
Now the military is being called out to deal with the fallout. "They" need to be controlled. The problem is that actual change will come slowly. And if there are not fast results, the anger that is now a rage will grow. Military resistance will not work. If we want peace, we must be peace.
Peace begins with each of us. I am taking a knee!