Every day we are planting seeds.
Your words, your acts, your thoughts - they are all seeds.
Think about that a moment.
Every word - every act - every thought is planted. It has the potential to grow. You have no way of knowing what will grow and what won't.
Every word - every act - every thought is a seed.
It does not matter if it is an angry word, act or thought or a happy word, act or thought - It is still a seed. You have no way of knowing what will grow or not. Once it's released to the universe, the determining factor is where it lands. Once you say it, do it or even think it - it has it's own energy. Once released, it is no longer solely yours. It now has potential life of its own.
You do, however, have control over the seeds you plant. You CAN change your words, your actions and your thoughts. And only YOU can.
What seeds are you planting?
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