Friday, October 30, 2015

Mr. Tommy Cat

It's time once again for a furry friend story. Today is the story of Mr. Tommy Cat, the newest addition to the family.
It begins a little sad. Our friend Mr. Jeepers disappeared as mysteriously as he appeared. For those who may not know, he showed up on the porch 2 years ago and we were determined to ignore him. I wrote the Mr. Jeepers story last March.
Mr. Jeepers was a perfect gentleman indoors but he still had a love for wandering and he fully expected that if the dogs could go out, he should too. He was very good at finding a way to get past us and escape. Sadly, one day a few months ago, he did not return. We filed missing cat reports. No Jeepers. We still hope that he is somewhere and loved but we have missed him so.
Last Saturday morning Holly said "Let's go out to the humane society and see the kittens. Just look." Of course, we both knew we were most likely to return with a cat. On the way Holly said, "We're just looking but I would most prefer a kitten."
When we arrived a volunteer encouraged us to see the pretty tabby cat she had grown fond of - not a kitten. Our attention fell to the 3 little kittens below. Then nearly in unison, we caught sight of a cat off to the right. "Jeepers!", we said. But upon closer look we learned that he was only 1 year old and unmistakably NOT neutered. His name was Tommy. Though he seemed so very much like Jeepers, he is too young to be a son and came from a home who had to give him up.
Mr. Tommy Cat came home with us.
I hope he doesn't mind that we could not resist his resemblance to Mr. Jeepers in both looks and demeanor. The shelter staff description of what they experienced with him and our brief meeting with him at the shelter have rung true. He is a gentle soul, as was Mr. Jeepers, and I am looking forward to learning more about his special personality.
In less than a week, he seems quite content and is gradually feeling more secure. Tobey, as with Jeepers, is most interested in interacting with him and he does not seem to mind (though he was unsure at first). He prefers higher posts so I think my mission soon should be to make him a little condo of his own.
We miss Jeepers. We did not intend to have a cat at all. Perhaps his mission in life was to show us that we should. Thank you Mr. Jeepers. Thank you Mr. Tommy Cat.

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