Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Grandpa Charlie's Elks Club

Not long ago I wrote about Grandpa Charlie insisting that I take typing in high school. "I'm going to college," I told him. His response irritated me, "If that college thing doesn't work out, you'll have typing to fall back on."
In those days, typing meant you were going to be a secretary or a data entry clerk. I felt he was unsupportive of my aspirations but I took typing as he insisted I should. Of course, I've been forever grateful because it's served me well working with computers and especially with my love of writing. Thank you Grandpa Charlie!
Recently I was encouraged to join the Elks Club - Grandpa Charlie's Elks Club. In his day it was strictly a fraternal order. As I considered joining, I wondered what Grandpa Charlie might say. On Initiation day, the first thing I did was walk to the wall to find his name.
Now I've been nominated for an office - at Grandpa Charlie's Elks Club. I wonder what he would think. As I listen to the history of the club, much has changed. Much more than just women now included as full members. What has not changed is the organization's dedication to charitable endeavors throughout the region and to the community of members.
I will serve to honor Grandpa Charlie. Perhaps these typing skills will continue to come in handy.

1 comment:

  1. As I read this blog about Uncle Charlie it has stirred up so many memories for me, as my memories of joining our Elks Lodge are much the same as what you are feeling right now. I too wondered what my dad would have thought. My Uncle Charlie was still alive when I joined, although he was not thrilled, he was so very proud of me as I'm sure you Uncle Charlie is proud of you. I'm so happy to have been a part of this and am looking forward to watching your excitement as you learn about what I believe to be one of the best organizations in the land, the Benovelent and Protective Order of Elks.
