This nation's history of slavery and lynchings has always troubled me. Our treatment of Native American people has troubled me. Our internment of Japanese Americans during WWII troubles me. The Holocaust troubles me. Our current treatment of asylum seekers and those wishing to immigrate to this country troubles me.
How is it so easy to convince a large number of people that dehumanization is acceptable - even desirable? It troubles me.
Our national soul is in trouble.
Only truth and compassion can fix it. We cannot fight dehumanization with dehumanization.
Truth will prevail.
Oddly, at this point many spit in the eye of truth. As I watched reactions to the Mueller investigation and hearing, it was troubling. First, few have even read parts of the report. Then, as facts are revealed, they cover their ears. "He looked like he has dementia." "He's just a figure head for the democrats." No amount of facts or substance of the investigation reached them. Their interest was not in gaining truth but in finding ways to dismiss truth.
This has been carefully cultivated. Investigative reporting is "fake news". Our judicial system is all part of the "deep state". Scientists cannot be trusted. Our allies cannot be trusted. You must be loyal to one source of information.
With all of these filters carefully in place, truth is lost. Breaking through these filters is extremely difficult. Attempts will likely invoke anger and greater resentment.
So what do we do? Have compassion. "They know not what they do."
Read, watch and listen. Seek as many sources of information as you can. Remain fact based. Be aware of what these followers are reading, watching and listening to that is creating the filters.
Then keep speaking truth clearly and softly. Don't be lead into dehumanization. Be careful in your deliberations. Exemplify what you know is right.
In our every day life, we can create a better example. Be a little kinder to those in our community who may be feeling anxious about the state of our union. Be a little kinder to those who may be part of the cause.
Be fearless. This one is the toughest for me. I know, I can be labeled in such a way that these followers will feel justified in dehumanizing me. And once dehumanized, there lies great risk.
"Democrat" and "liberal" have been spit at me as verbal daggers and I'm certain other slurs lie just below the surface.
Faith carries me. Faith that love and truth always prevail. Faith that the lost can be saved. Faith that if this world is lost, the next will be a welcome home.
I have more questions than answers. But I believe in something much bigger and try to share the little glimpses I see. Please share yours. Together we can create more - I believe.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Inhumanity starts with words
When we know there is inhumanity and we justify it or simply turn our heads away, we are spiritually broken. It begins with name calling and fear bating. The goal is to dehumanize and demoralize the "other". What follows is an acceptance of violence.
We're watching it play out over and over again. As the words escalate to bully proportion, they become a trigger for explosive behavior. It does not matter what side you are on, it's ugly and it's dangerous. If you are doing it, it's hurting you as much as it's hurting the target of your words or actions. If you leap to the bully level of outrage over inhumanity and injustice, you too are capable of inhumanity and injustice.
Truth, reason and patience are the key. Yes, speak out against inhumanity. Speak truth. Speak reasonably. Keep doing it with the belief that seeds are being planted in even the most hardened among us. As violence rises, be steadfast in non-violence in both words and deeds.
If we want to see an end to the division and hate mongering that's sweeping our country, we have to be that change. We have to live that change. We have to be what we want to see.
We do need to speak out clearly and boldly before it's too late.
We have never had a president that so openly stoked the fires of division and distrust using ugly rhetorical diatribes. He follows with policies that are dehumanizing and unjust. He is using his power to diminish accountability through the systems of government intended to serve as checks and balances against tyranny. He's labeling dissenting voices as un-American or enemies of the people.
He dehumanizes his adversaries and opening endorses violence against them. He alienates our allies and praises those who traditionally seek to undermine democracy and our place in the world. Environmental protections have been rolled back. Public lands and National Parks which have been national treasures and being decimated. This administration has been rife with corruption and ethics violations including indictments on a variety of criminal charges. All of these combined will have long lasting and devastating effects.
What is most concerning is the number of good and decent people who are willing to turn a blind eye to the inhumanity and walk lock step with him.
Yes, we need to speak out. Many of these people are now locked in to narrow sources of information. They are not hearing about the policy decisions that those sources know would not be popular. Those sources are telling them not to trust any other sources for information. We somehow need to find a way to get them to look out their windows. Hopefully, we can do that before the tornado bears down on them as well.
We're watching it play out over and over again. As the words escalate to bully proportion, they become a trigger for explosive behavior. It does not matter what side you are on, it's ugly and it's dangerous. If you are doing it, it's hurting you as much as it's hurting the target of your words or actions. If you leap to the bully level of outrage over inhumanity and injustice, you too are capable of inhumanity and injustice.
Truth, reason and patience are the key. Yes, speak out against inhumanity. Speak truth. Speak reasonably. Keep doing it with the belief that seeds are being planted in even the most hardened among us. As violence rises, be steadfast in non-violence in both words and deeds.
If we want to see an end to the division and hate mongering that's sweeping our country, we have to be that change. We have to live that change. We have to be what we want to see.
We do need to speak out clearly and boldly before it's too late.
We have never had a president that so openly stoked the fires of division and distrust using ugly rhetorical diatribes. He follows with policies that are dehumanizing and unjust. He is using his power to diminish accountability through the systems of government intended to serve as checks and balances against tyranny. He's labeling dissenting voices as un-American or enemies of the people.
He dehumanizes his adversaries and opening endorses violence against them. He alienates our allies and praises those who traditionally seek to undermine democracy and our place in the world. Environmental protections have been rolled back. Public lands and National Parks which have been national treasures and being decimated. This administration has been rife with corruption and ethics violations including indictments on a variety of criminal charges. All of these combined will have long lasting and devastating effects.
What is most concerning is the number of good and decent people who are willing to turn a blind eye to the inhumanity and walk lock step with him.
Yes, we need to speak out. Many of these people are now locked in to narrow sources of information. They are not hearing about the policy decisions that those sources know would not be popular. Those sources are telling them not to trust any other sources for information. We somehow need to find a way to get them to look out their windows. Hopefully, we can do that before the tornado bears down on them as well.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
How we respond - spiritually
How we say things matters. Often I skip past headlines or social media posts that are incendiary even if I may agree with the underlying view. Name calling and personal attacks are not going to get us anywhere. It just divides us more and shuts down productive dialogue.
The types of policies, behavior and actions that cause me the most dismay, are ones that lack heart, cause suffering and, I believe, will have negative long term consequences. If that is where my values lie, I need to respond with heart, do no harm and consider the long term consequences. A great deal of strength, patience and careful consideration are required.
It's not unlike dealing with an unruly child. Labeling them, shouting angry words, or other attempts to whip them into submission are not going to be effective and may cause long term emotional harm and actually increase the undesirable behavior. We are best to focus on the behavior and facts. We need to help them understand a positive approach. That requires time, patience and emotional discipline on our part.
As we talk to one another - as we respond to headlines and social media posts - we need that same discipline. Focus on behavior and facts. Take time to frame an argument. The other person may still disagree but they will struggle to find you disagreeable. Know what you are talking about and be factual. Labels and angry words provide no context. If you are reacting emotionally, those with opposing views will as well. Then we are simply shouting slurs over a void.
Study the teachings of MLK and Ghandhi. They framed a very clear message and were very careful that the message was not lost in the delivery. A non-violent practice applies as much to our words as it does our actions. They were methodical and disciplined. They spoke truth.
We too must speak truth with a deep commitment to non-violence. It is a long and difficult path but it is the one that is spiritually healthy for us and the world around us.
The types of policies, behavior and actions that cause me the most dismay, are ones that lack heart, cause suffering and, I believe, will have negative long term consequences. If that is where my values lie, I need to respond with heart, do no harm and consider the long term consequences. A great deal of strength, patience and careful consideration are required.
It's not unlike dealing with an unruly child. Labeling them, shouting angry words, or other attempts to whip them into submission are not going to be effective and may cause long term emotional harm and actually increase the undesirable behavior. We are best to focus on the behavior and facts. We need to help them understand a positive approach. That requires time, patience and emotional discipline on our part.
As we talk to one another - as we respond to headlines and social media posts - we need that same discipline. Focus on behavior and facts. Take time to frame an argument. The other person may still disagree but they will struggle to find you disagreeable. Know what you are talking about and be factual. Labels and angry words provide no context. If you are reacting emotionally, those with opposing views will as well. Then we are simply shouting slurs over a void.
Study the teachings of MLK and Ghandhi. They framed a very clear message and were very careful that the message was not lost in the delivery. A non-violent practice applies as much to our words as it does our actions. They were methodical and disciplined. They spoke truth.
We too must speak truth with a deep commitment to non-violence. It is a long and difficult path but it is the one that is spiritually healthy for us and the world around us.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
We need to get our Hearts right!
We need to guard ourselves against dehumanizing those with whom we disagree. It sickens our spirit and it sickens our nation. Democracy requires great heart and a determination to ensure that all voices are heard. Our strength is in our ability to have open dialogue and respectful dialogue that leads to solutions to societal needs.
No matter what side of the political spectrum you may fall, take care not to dehumanize others. Don't generalize and stereotype. Focus your attention on policies, behavior and actions that you support. It's tempting to be outraged and poke at the most outrageous. But that just shuts people off from listening to reason.
It's easy to get swept up in emotion and generalizations. Some find it fun to be snarky and spout quick shutdowns. It happens on all sides but I am most concerned about it coming from the leader of this country. It's unseemly and it's destructive to the values of a democracy.
We see this leader trying to shut down the press crying "fake news" when it's a story he doesn't like.
We see this leader dehumanizing any politician that isn't supporting whatever he wants.
We see this leader decimating the USDA with a sudden move from DC and firing any scientists that won't agree to go.
Early in his administration he limited access to scientific information held by the government concerning climate change.
He dehumanizes asylum seekers and immigrants in general.
He dehumanizes women in general and most especially women of color.
He pulls out of international agreements and alienates our allies.
He avoids working with congress - even in cabinet positions that remain "acting" appointments.
This president and the party he leads work to limit a full and open democracy. It is a slippery slope that began the day President Obama was elected as they determined that no matter what he tried to do, they would be against it. This president just broadened the approached to include anyone and everyone that doesn't agree with him - citizens, politicians, justice system, FBI, CIA, the press, institutions.....
The biggest argument I hear for why it's ok to overlook these things is that the economy is good, unemployment is low and the stock market is up. Then why do we need to shut up anyone who is pointing out those being left behind? Why dehumanize anyone when we are doing well and could lift them up too? Why limit access to data about issues we could be addressing with this great economy?
Are we selling our national soul, our democratic values, for a dollar?
We need to get our hearts right! We need broader context. That requires all voices with informed and careful deliberation of facts. The greater the emotional response to an issue, the longer we should take to research it. READ!
No matter what side of the political spectrum you may fall, take care not to dehumanize others. Don't generalize and stereotype. Focus your attention on policies, behavior and actions that you support. It's tempting to be outraged and poke at the most outrageous. But that just shuts people off from listening to reason.
It's easy to get swept up in emotion and generalizations. Some find it fun to be snarky and spout quick shutdowns. It happens on all sides but I am most concerned about it coming from the leader of this country. It's unseemly and it's destructive to the values of a democracy.
We see this leader trying to shut down the press crying "fake news" when it's a story he doesn't like.
We see this leader dehumanizing any politician that isn't supporting whatever he wants.
We see this leader decimating the USDA with a sudden move from DC and firing any scientists that won't agree to go.
Early in his administration he limited access to scientific information held by the government concerning climate change.
He dehumanizes asylum seekers and immigrants in general.
He dehumanizes women in general and most especially women of color.
He pulls out of international agreements and alienates our allies.
He avoids working with congress - even in cabinet positions that remain "acting" appointments.
This president and the party he leads work to limit a full and open democracy. It is a slippery slope that began the day President Obama was elected as they determined that no matter what he tried to do, they would be against it. This president just broadened the approached to include anyone and everyone that doesn't agree with him - citizens, politicians, justice system, FBI, CIA, the press, institutions.....
The biggest argument I hear for why it's ok to overlook these things is that the economy is good, unemployment is low and the stock market is up. Then why do we need to shut up anyone who is pointing out those being left behind? Why dehumanize anyone when we are doing well and could lift them up too? Why limit access to data about issues we could be addressing with this great economy?
Are we selling our national soul, our democratic values, for a dollar?
We need to get our hearts right! We need broader context. That requires all voices with informed and careful deliberation of facts. The greater the emotional response to an issue, the longer we should take to research it. READ!
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Jesus Wept
If this was a Christian nation, we would be focused on doing the things Jesus taught us to do. We would want our government - our tax dollars - to help the poor, the sick and the elderly. We would want our government to welcome the stranger.
If this was a Christian nation, there would be an expectation that those who are extremely wealthy would contribute much to the types of things Jesus taught us to do. Recall the rich man that asked Jesus how to get to heaven. Did Jesus tell him to keep collecting as much money as he could?
If this was a Christian nation, we would be focused on the well being of all children. We would be working to ensure that every single one of them was safe, fed, and loved. We would know that serving those needs was serving Jesus.
If this was a Christian nation, we would set the highest standards within our land to eliminate corruption and abuse. Unscrupulous money changers would be confronted. Those who might be tempted to follow that path would be invited to the table to learn a better way.
If we were a Christian nation, we would practice compassion, respect and humility in everything we do. We would be fearless and steadfast in our mission to end suffering. We would "stand on the rock where Jesus stood".
Instead, there is hostility toward all these and often most vehemently from those who insist this is a "Christian Nation". It's no wonder the numbers of those associated with Christian churches is dwindling. Too often the Christian label bears no resemblance to the teachings and practices of Jesus. It's being lost in a selfish, twisted, tribalistic separation from the one whose very name is carried.
If this is what a Christian nation looks like, Jesus is weeping.
If this was a Christian nation, there would be an expectation that those who are extremely wealthy would contribute much to the types of things Jesus taught us to do. Recall the rich man that asked Jesus how to get to heaven. Did Jesus tell him to keep collecting as much money as he could?
If this was a Christian nation, we would be focused on the well being of all children. We would be working to ensure that every single one of them was safe, fed, and loved. We would know that serving those needs was serving Jesus.
If this was a Christian nation, we would set the highest standards within our land to eliminate corruption and abuse. Unscrupulous money changers would be confronted. Those who might be tempted to follow that path would be invited to the table to learn a better way.
If we were a Christian nation, we would practice compassion, respect and humility in everything we do. We would be fearless and steadfast in our mission to end suffering. We would "stand on the rock where Jesus stood".
Instead, there is hostility toward all these and often most vehemently from those who insist this is a "Christian Nation". It's no wonder the numbers of those associated with Christian churches is dwindling. Too often the Christian label bears no resemblance to the teachings and practices of Jesus. It's being lost in a selfish, twisted, tribalistic separation from the one whose very name is carried.
If this is what a Christian nation looks like, Jesus is weeping.
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