In 1964, a young couple with two small children faced a heart wrenching decision. The wife was terribly ill with a leaky valve in her heart caused by rheumatic fever in her teens. Her weakened heart worked so hard to pump her lifeblood that it had grown to the size of a football. Though she fought to live a normal life, there were times she was so weak, she couldn't hold a plate while washing dishes.
The couple learned she was pregnant and the doctor's cautioned that she could not survive the pregnancy. The doctors were exploring options, rather new, for repairing her heart. There was great hope for her long term survival. She was young and determined. But carrying a child to full term would not be possible, they said.
It was an agonizing life and death decision. They chose life - her life. Together, they chose to preserve her life so she could survive to raise their two children. She was my mother.
Because of their decision, I had just a few more vacations to remember. I had just a few more birthdays and Christmas'.
Several years later as they prepared for the planned heart valve replacement, they performed a very new procedure - a heart catherization - a blood clot formed and broke away, stopped her heart, and she was gone.
In 1964, a young couple with two small children faced a heart wrenching decision with their doctors. They chose life. When I think about the many layers surrounding the abortion issue, I see my mother. I support that young couple making that difficult decision with their doctors. It may mean just a few more precious years. I chose life and their right to choose.
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